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Onderwerp: Chat for foreign fans!
Maker: Pett24_CzechBekeken: 13852
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Geregistreerd: 18-08-2007
Forum berichten: 22238
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Geplaatst: Wo 29 sep 2010 13:15
Anita has a bruised fibula. Maybe 2 weeks out, but no more.

Geregistreerd: 08-06-2010
Forum berichten: 112
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Woonplaats: Czech Republic
Geplaatst: Zo 10 okt 2010 17:02
Where can I find a roster Netherlands?Player Names?
Representation in 21 years?

Geregistreerd: 18-08-2007
Forum berichten: 22238
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Geplaatst: Ma 11 okt 2010 14:24
Where can I find a roster Netherlands?Player Names?
Representation in 21 years?

What do you mean? Dutch players U21?
Something like this? ... 9-spelers/

Geregistreerd: 08-06-2010
Forum berichten: 112
Nieuws reacties: 1
Woonplaats: Czech Republic
Geplaatst: Ma 11 okt 2010 23:21
Yeah,thank <img src='smilies/icon_wink.gif' />
Our best thaiboxer said, that in the Netherlands is thaibox quite popular.

Vos gym Amsterdam (NL) a Tiger Club Zlín (CZ) have some cooperation.
Zlin is our footbal rival <img src='smilies/icon_biggrin.gif' />

Geregistreerd: 18-08-2007
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Geplaatst: Di 12 okt 2010 00:29
I don't know. Maybe you can ask/pb, Marco. <img src='smilies/icon_biggrin.gif' />

Geregistreerd: 29-12-2008
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Geplaatst: Wo 13 okt 2010 17:38
As you are from Czechia, how do you feel about Galasek and Grygera?

Geregistreerd: 23-08-2007
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Geplaatst: Wo 13 okt 2010 17:53
Our best thaiboxer said, that in the Netherlands is thaibox quite popular.

True. We have a Dutch topic here, Martial Arts, mainly focussed on K-1. With a little help of Google Translate you might find some infomation there. Maybe this will help a little too.

We kick ass. Or legs. Whenever you see a Dutch guy wearing gloves and showing off kicks, run for your life. <img src='smilies/icon_wink.gif' />

Geregistreerd: 08-06-2010
Forum berichten: 112
Nieuws reacties: 1
Woonplaats: Czech Republic
Geplaatst: Za 16 okt 2010 18:06
Rinus: What do you mean exactly? What i mean about Galasek and Grygera?

I got on football in Jablonec by boxer a blow from behind.
About 14 days I could hardly bite.
Now I have a broken arm, but then again I go to kickboxing.
My brother went to Hamburg today at the box Vitaly.
How long you practice it you?Will you do a rope? Time 2:55
P.s A beautiful statue of Jari Litmanen <img src='smilies/icon_biggrin.gif' />

Geregistreerd: 18-08-2007
Forum berichten: 22238
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Geplaatst: Za 16 okt 2010 18:09
Yeah, did you see the topic about Litmanen?

Geregistreerd: 08-06-2010
Forum berichten: 112
Nieuws reacties: 1
Woonplaats: Czech Republic
Geplaatst: Zo 17 okt 2010 14:45
No, I did not see it, thank you <img src='smilies/icon_wink.gif' />
Marco, you know czech Ond?ej Hutník? He gave some Dutchman KO, 25 seconds.

Geregistreerd: 08-06-2010
Forum berichten: 112
Nieuws reacties: 1
Woonplaats: Czech Republic
Geplaatst: Di 19 okt 2010 21:57
How looks it with Urbys contract?
He remains in Ajax? :Ajaxnieuw:

Geregistreerd: 18-08-2007
Forum berichten: 22238
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Geplaatst: Di 19 okt 2010 22:02
He decides within 2 weeks.

Geregistreerd: 08-06-2010
Forum berichten: 112
Nieuws reacties: 1
Woonplaats: Czech Republic
Geplaatst: Do 21 okt 2010 15:28
What do you think of our videos?
Compared to the Netherlands is weak, on the Czech scene belong to the four members of the elite.
The fact that we are 25 000 city, so it goes <img src='smilies/icon_wink.gif' />
Do you have a link somewhere, where you have a picture choreography?

Geregistreerd: 18-08-2007
Forum berichten: 22238
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Geplaatst: Do 21 okt 2010 21:33
It is your YT-channel, Pett?

Geregistreerd: 08-06-2010
Forum berichten: 112
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Woonplaats: Czech Republic
Geplaatst: Vr 22 okt 2010 10:03
No, i have a different channel, i have added you to watch video.
Are you Ajax TV or so something?

Geregistreerd: 18-08-2007
Forum berichten: 22238
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Geplaatst: Vr 22 okt 2010 13:10
Haha, no way.

Geregistreerd: 08-06-2010
Forum berichten: 112
Nieuws reacties: 1
Woonplaats: Czech Republic
Geplaatst: Za 23 okt 2010 23:54
Derk Boerrigter has the quality to be in AJAX?
What actually happened with Daniel De Ridder?
Perhaps Ibrahim go out of PSV.

Geregistreerd: 18-08-2007
Forum berichten: 22238
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Geplaatst: Ma 25 okt 2010 15:04
No, i don't think so. I don't understand why AJAX want to have him.
Nothing. <img src='smilies/icon_biggrin.gif' /> Just not an option anymore.
Yeah, in the winterbreak he will probably leave. Hopefully.

Geregistreerd: 29-12-2008
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Geplaatst: Ma 1 nov 2010 17:29
Hopefully? I hope he leaves next summer, Psv will not get any payment for Affelay, the best product of the Psv-youth in 5 years!

Geregistreerd: 08-06-2010
Forum berichten: 112
Nieuws reacties: 1
Woonplaats: Czech Republic
Geplaatst: Wo 3 nov 2010 17:48
How great is in Amsterdam Arena playing area?

Urby is crazy.Adios <img src='smilies/icon_confused.gif' />

Geregistreerd: 05-08-2010
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Geplaatst: Zo 7 nov 2010 18:00
yeah sad to see Urby go, especially without a fee! Although Ajax probably should have sold him earlier if they wanted to get some money for him!

anyway what happened to Van Der Wiel? i saw he went off very early in the game, was his injury bad?

Geregistreerd: 18-08-2007
Forum berichten: 22238
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Geplaatst: Zo 7 nov 2010 19:54
No, just a bruised leg.

Geregistreerd: 08-06-2010
Forum berichten: 112
Nieuws reacties: 1
Woonplaats: Czech Republic
Geplaatst: Wo 8 dec 2010 17:03
Please 343, you translated my article "Frank De Boer passeert woedende Mounir El." into English.Only briefly.
I can´t find it anywhere else <img src='smilies/icon_confused.gif' />

Geregistreerd: 18-08-2007
Forum berichten: 22238
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Geplaatst: Wo 8 dec 2010 17:28
Well. it says El Hamdaoui will start on the bench. He will not start the game on the pitch. And he is mad because of it.
Frank de Boer made his choice. <img src='smilies/icon_cool.gif' />

Geregistreerd: 08-06-2010
Forum berichten: 112
Nieuws reacties: 1
Woonplaats: Czech Republic
Geplaatst: Do 23 dec 2010 00:37
Monir has personal psychological problems? Hopefully it will soon be fine.
Otherwise, Happy Christmas, for you rich Santa Claus (Jesus walks in the Czech Republic),
satisfaction and ........ and the championship :thumbs up:
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Forumoverzicht » International Corner » The Lounge - Other Stuff » Chat for foreign fans!